All Ability Family Fun Day
April 26th
Thank you to FCA All Ability Sports Hall of Fame Sponsor
Freedom Realty Group, RE/MAX Aerospace
Publix Florida Marathon - Sunday, February 9, 2025
Thank you to all who joined with the Brevard County All Ability Run team in our First Annual participation of the Publix Florida Marathon. It was a wonderful day! The Run Team came together for an incredible race weekend, focused on faith, community, and service. Before sunrise, our team gathered to pray with runners before heading out onto the course. Athletes with disabilities, FCA Endurance runners, buddies, and supporters competed in the 5K, 10K, half, and full marathons. This weekend was a beautiful reminder that our race is not just for a finish line but for a greater purpose - bringing the love of Christ to every athlete, coach, and supporter we meet along the way.
Noah Jackson placed 2nd in the Neurodivergent 10K and Josh Broline placed 2nd in his 5K age division. Great job FCA All Ability Run Team!
Thank you to our FCA All Ability Sports All-American Sponsor
Coastal Health Systems of Brevard
Why All Ability Sports?
Genesis 1:31a “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good indeed”.
We can replace the word "all" with "everything", which includes everybody. This includes people with disabilities.
Psalm 139:13-16 “… remarkably and wondrously made …”
There are no accidents
Genesis 3 Because of the fall, everyone needs the gospel no matter how different they are physically or intellectually.
Exodus 4:10-12 “… Who makes a person mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? …”
On purpose WITH a purpose.
John 9:1-3 “… This came about so that God’s works might be displayed in him …”
Everyone is born for His glory
Engage people of all abilities through...
Equip families with...
Empower churches to...
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We will get back to you as soon as possible.