Community Ministry
FCA Community Ministry is the off-campus opportunity to reach coaches and athletes through the club and recreational sport environment. Our goal is to impact our community and establish on-going ministry for coaches and athletes to compete for Jesus Christ with character, passion and excellence.
Club Sports
Athletes have the opportunity to play on a FCA club team where they are challenged spiritually and physically throughout the season. Players on these teams are expected to participate in team Bible study, prayer and evangelism at tournaments, and service projects, in addition to the regular practices and games.
Youth Rec Sports
Athletes, parents, and other volunteers involved in recreational sports are encouraged to take the Gospel to their community. Participants are equipped with resources to gather their teams and share God's Word with them at practice, a game, or wherever teams are found.
Young athletes, come try out for one of our FCA club teams, or lead an FCA huddle for your club or community team. This a great way to grow in your faith as you grow in your sport!
Help bring the Gospel to community sports as an FCA volunteer. If you are a parent of an athlete, this is a great choice for you!
Use your gift strategically to fund the staff serving in community ministry. This allows us to have more FCA club teams, and greater Gospel presence in other community teams.