Brevard County FCA Blog

Michael “Squints” Palledorous whispered, “The legend of the beast goes back a long time … before any of us could even pick up a baseball.” That movie, The Sandlot , goes on to explain that “Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.”

Today, through baseball, two men come bearing a message not of heroes or legends ... but of a Savior sent to us before we could even pick up a baseball!


These two men love God and both played professional ball. And they’ve been called to help us launch Club FCA in Brevard County. Before I tell you about that, let me tell you about them ...

COACH JASON ARNOLD was a two-time All-American at UCF, a second-round draft pick of the New York Yankees in 2001, and spent two seasons on the Toronto Blue Jays 40-man roster. He founded and coached the Brevard Aces for five seasons and coached the Evoshield Canes for the past two summers. He’s also the head coach at Satellite High School.

Previously, Coach Arnold was a NCAA Division I college coach for four years, where he cultivated a long list of trusted contacts and friends. College baseball scholarships often grow out of relationships built between an athlete's coach, college coaches and scouts.

More than that, it’s his relationship with Christ that qualifies him to be Head Coach of our FCA Club Baseball Team ...

Jason grew up in a Christian home but was unsure about his walk with Christ during his college and professional playing years. His relationship with many close friends, especially Jason Schack, helped him reopen the door to Christ. Since that time 10 years ago, Jason’s faithfulness to the Lord has grown exponentially. He is a member of Georgianna United Methodist Church in Merritt Island, serves on the Brevard FCA board and is the FCA Huddle Leader at Satellite High School.

Jason is married to Jennifer Arnold and they have three children: Sydney, Grant and Rhett.

 COACH GREG PLECKI ran the Cape Coast Canes travel ball organization here in Brevard County for three years. He also coached with the Brevard Aces for three years and the Evoshield Canes the past two years. 

Coach Plecki has helped countless players earn opportunities to play at the college level. He is head coach at Merritt Island High School. A former Division I and professional player, Coach Plecki's network of contacts is deep.

Greg is married to Keegan Plecki and they have three sons: Jaxon, Griffin and Kanon.


FCA is integral in bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to students, athletes and teams on campus. But it shouldn’t stop there –

There needs to be an impact off campus  as well

Of more than 36 million students ages 5-18 who participated in organized sports in 2016, a whopping 60% were involved with teams outside of school.

According to research provided to TIME Magazine, America’s youth-sports industry has grown by 55% since 2010. It’s now a $15 billion market!

Parents, coaches and start-ups are investing unprecedented amounts of time and money into developing student athletes’ skills. With an end-game in mind, families are increasingly turning to travel ball and tournament teams rather than traditional rec leagues or school teams.

The TIME article says, “Only 2% of high school athletes go on to play at the top level of college sports.”

No doubt – sports promote discipline, health, comradery and work ethic. But even if 50% of high school athletes went on to play at a professional level, would it be a worthwhile investment if souls are being neglected?

Our answer: FCA Club Baseball.

Our Christ-centered, travel baseball team headed up by Coach Arnold and Coach Plecki provides a way for players to showcase their skills in hopes of playing at the next level while being encouraged to do their best on and off the field.

Outside the foul lines, players will: 1) be poured into by different Christian ministries, 2) give back through local mission work, 3) have a team chaplain and 4) work to sharpen each other as teammates at FCA youth camp.

Our goals are to help provide these competitive young ballplayers with a growing athletic and spiritual foundation built upon Christ.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers for this endeavor – for the busy, distracted and lost souls of young ballplayers who might be brought closer to Jesus Christ for the Glory of God.

Please join us in welcoming our new coaches!

By Dan Carter May 2, 2019
So many tremendous things happening in Brevard county because of what God is doing through FCA in the name of Jesus Christ. Here's a look at what you'll find in this newsletter ...1 Baseball Prayer Time & Landscaping2 Community FCA Just Launched3 Golf Marathon was a Success4 Power Camp 2019 is this Summer5 Announcing our Coaches Minister
By Dan Carter January 10, 2018
We are thrilled to announce a new addition to the Brevard FCA Missionary Team: Jason Schack.JASON SCHACK has been called and qualified by God.He is a close friend, a passionate Christ-follower and we are extremely excited to have him join us. We love that he has a heart for God, family, student ministry and sports.Did we mention he’s qualified for this ministry!?Check it out ... God’s mercy shined on Jason in 2013. That year, he was recognized as Melbourne High School’s Te...
By Dan Carter January 10, 2018
We are privileged to announce a new member to the Brevard FCA Missionary team: Rebecca Shaver.REBECCA is devoted to serving female coaches, athletes and teachers while also promoting FCA in her area.From an early age, Rebecca followed Christ and loved being involved in ministry any way possible. Whether serving children at Vacation Bible School, teaching peers as a leader in her high school’s FCA program or through the many mission projects she was a part of in the youth ministry at her ch...
By Dan Carter January 10, 2018
Travel west on Malabar Road to where it seems as if you are going to drive right off into the marsh. You’ll pass a about 100 head of cattle. Just after you pass the cow pen, turn right and you will see the newest high school in all of Brevard County, Heritage High School.Heritage High School FCA first began in 2014 with a handful of students meeting in the “Popcorn Room.” Over the last few years, the huddle has grown to nearly 100 students meeting in the auditorium!Awesome!
By Dan Carter January 10, 2018
A few months ago, I was with a friend when an alarm on his phone went off. I asked him if everything was okay and he said, “Yes. Every day I have an alarm set for 10:02 am. This is to remind me to stop and pray for those on the mission field according to Luke 10:2.” And so, we stopped what we were doing and prayed.Now my alarm is set on my phone every day at 10:02 am as my reminder to stop and pray - And he (Jesus) said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the...
By Dan Carter August 6, 2017
In the 3 years since FCA was relaunched in Brevard County, we’re excited to have seen FCA’s presence in schools grow substantially. From 4 campuses to 29 campuses. And on those campuses, from 4 huddles to 51 huddles. God has blessed this ministry. Sure, there is still some room for growth in this area. We intend to keep our eyes fixed on getting FCA into more schools and getting more huddles established for His great name! But scripture charges us to be diligent a...
By Dan Carter August 4, 2017
Fifteen. Remember that number: 15! Because, by God’s grace, we’re pleased to tell you that FCA PowerCamp 2017 was a great success. From June 26 thru 30, 42 leaders and volunteers collided with 56 students to enjoy five days of gospel-centered worship and fellowship. And sports! Our FCA summer intern, Kyle Carr, who played professional soccer, and former Major League Baseball player, Jason Arnold, joined a great group of high school and collegiate athletes to help ...
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