In the 3 years since FCA was relaunched in Brevard County, we’re excited to have seen FCA’s presence in schools grow substantially.
From 4 campuses to 29 campuses. And on those campuses, from 4 huddles to 51 huddles.
God has blessed this ministry.
Sure, there is still some room for growth in this area. We intend to keep our eyes fixed on getting FCA into more schools and getting more huddles established for His great name!
But scripture charges us to be diligent as we go.
Just as Paul wrote to the Colossians, we must not let the work God has done fall victim to things of this world.
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.
Colossians 2:8
Paul encouraged the Colossians to stay rooted in Christ. In much the same way, our students and leaders must remain rooted so that they are not taken captive by false teaching.
That’s why we’ve given added attention to cultivating certified campus huddles and certified specific huddles last year.
The saturation rate of our certified campus huddles has reached a whopping 81% of the campuses where FCA has been introduced. That’s up from 14% when this all started.
We’re very encouraged by the growth in specific sports huddles as well, having jumped from 4 to 17 in just the last two years.
Wow to all of the above – praise the Lord!
As we ask you to pray for the growth of this ministry - including new staff and generous gifts - we hope to go even deeper in developing the leadership in and among these huddles. As God permits, we want to develop a discipleship culture that fosters spiritual growth in teachers and huddle leaders. The objective is simple: to help the Gospel message reach more and more students while fostering a culture where students can live their lives in Christ.
The Gospel is bearing fruit and growing through Brevard County. And we are encouraged to share with you all that God has done. It is truly an honor and a blessing to see God raising up leaders on campuses all across our county.
We cannot thank you enough for your support of FCA in Brevard County. It is with the donations of time, talents and resources – that which God has given to us – that helps FCA reach our youth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
- Dan