We are privileged to announce a new member to the Brevard FCA Missionary team: Rebecca Shaver.
REBECCA is devoted to serving female coaches, athletes and teachers while also promoting FCA in her area.
From an early age, Rebecca followed Christ and loved being involved in ministry any way possible. Whether serving children at Vacation Bible School, teaching peers as a leader in her high school’s FCA program or through the many mission projects she was a part of in the youth ministry at her church, she was always involved and loved every moment.
Yet, even after a summer serving as the youth ministry intern at First Baptist Church of Melbourne, she hadn’t considered working in full-time ministry.
Rebecca went on to finish a B.S. in Business Management at the University of Central Florida. She also traveled to several countries where the Gospel was widely unknown. During these trips, Rebecca gained a deeper awareness of how desperate our world is for a Savior, and she committed to following Jesus wherever he would lead her.
She entered the workforce in hospitality. But she realized that was not her calling. So, she began studying for a Master’s in Business Administration at the Florida Institute of Technology. Rebecca toiled in search of a career she was passionate about.
Then God stepped in ...
Rebecca was unexpectedly provided the opportunity to work as a missionary for FCA! But she didn’t think twice.
She is excited to see God do amazing things, through her, in her community. She prays God would use her and a team of volunteers to form a FCA huddle for each women’s sports team in the Brevard County Public School District, providing the opportunity for these women to hear and respond to the Gospel with their lives.
Please join us in welcoming Rebecca.